Products & Services
- Tutus & Ballet Costumes
- Tutus & Bodices (38)
- Ready to Wear Costumes (12)
- Tutu & Bodice Kits (14)
- Bodice Kits (10)
- U-Finish Bodice Kits (13)
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- ALL Tutus & Ballet Costumes (77)
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- Headpieces (11)
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- Tiara & Headpiece Forms, Patterns, Instructions (45)
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- Miscellaneous Patterns (23)
- Books & Instructions (48)
- Downloadable Patterns (58)
- ALL Books, Patterns & Instructions (141)
- Fabrics
- ALL Tutu Net (166)
- Tutu Net 36 inch (26)
- Tutu Net 54 inch (47)
- Tutu Net 60 inch (59)
- Tutu Net 72 inch (5)
- Tutu Net Misc Widths (0)
- Specialty Net (36)
- ALL Tulle (429)
- Regular Tulle 36 Inch (13)
- Regular Tulle 54 Inch (141)
- Regular Tulle 60 Inch (22)
- Regular Tulle 108 Inch (70)
- Glimmer Tulle (81)
- Sparkle Metallic Tulle Organza (120)
- Fancy Tulle (6)
- Polyester Tulle (30)
- Bengaline, Satin (65)
- Stretch Brocade, Taffeta, Satins, Jacquards (57)
- Brocades, Velvets, Taffeta (100)
- Reversible Satin Faille (8)
- Chiffons, Georgettes (96)
- Silk Chiffon (16)
- Poly Chiffon Two Tone (26)
- Poly Chiffon Regular (29)
- Poly Double Georgette (15)
- Nylon Chiffon (3)
- Kalahari Crepe (4)
- Voile (3)
- Organza, Organdy, Voile (64)
- Specialty Lace, Embroidered Organzas (84)
- Stretch Velvet (23)
- Stretch Lace, Tulle (26)
- Spandex Nylon Polyester (19)
- Stretch Mesh (17)
- Misc Stretch (28)
- Coutil, Powernet and Inset Fabrics (48)
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- Casings, Tape (53)
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Personalized Service
Don't see quite what you're looking for? Let us help.
Our Professional Costume Designers and Technicians are happy to provide personalized, custom service. It's what we do best!
Tutu.Com stocks many hard-to-find notions specific to costuming needs.
We offer several types of hoopwire, steel spiral boning, tacking supplies, specialized thread, fasteners, and much more.
Don’t see what you are looking for? Call us at 877-888-8266 US & Canada or +1-704-519-4771 International. We may be able to help you track down what you need!
Boning, Hooping, Wire
Steel spirals, millinery wire, and four types of hoopwire, as well as bone casing and tips are available.
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Hooks, eyes, and bars, both individual and on tape, whopper poppers, and more hard to find items are here.
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Casings, Tape
From bias tape to horsehair and cording, here are many items used in the structure of professional costumes.
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From cord elastics to invisible meshes, and elastics in many different widths, including 2” elastics in colors.
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Tacking Supplies
We carry everything needed to hand or gun tack tutus, as well as items to make the work go much faster.
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Here we have glue sticks, rulers, French curves, silamide thread, and more to help you make beautiful costumes.
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