Project Tutu Scholarship Auction and the USA-IBC Jackson, MS host a silent auction of professional ballet costumes and professional services, such as ballet photography, to raise funds for a dance scholarship.
- Browse & Bid on Auction Items at
- May 23rd 9AM EDT through June 22nd 4PM EDT, 2023
- Tutus, Tiaras & Other ballet-related items!
- Winners announced 6/23/23
The Scholarship Fund is administered by the USA-IBC and proceeds are presented to one of the ballet competitors on-stage during the awards ceremony. USA-IBC Jackson competitors can apply for the scholarship by writing a one to two page essay about what ballet means to them and how the scholarship would change/improve their artistic journey. Auction items will be on display in the Thalia Mara Theatre Lobby, and/or the Westin Hotel Atrium.
Alexa Torres, of the Dominican Republic, received the last Scholarship Award. Alexa is now dancing with Washington Ballet. A note from Alexa regarding what the scholarship meant to her...

There are moments in life that remind us of why we go through difficult times, why we sacrifice so much; and this was one of them. I knew the moment I heard my name called, that I could keep going. I had to keep going.Receiving this award was the beginning of a career I would have only dreamed of having…
I will always be grateful for the Scholarship made possible by & USA IBC. Their support showed me that hard work and a humble heart are enough. I am so excited to see the future recipients of this beautiful award!
A BIG Thank You to Our 2023 Donors:

Claudia Folts, Event Organizer