TutuSchools Seminars

Ballet Costuming Courses
Ready to make a Tutu, tiara, or bodice? Come to Tutu School! Tutu.Com, the world-wide leader in teaching and creating beautiful costumes, invites you to attend a TutuSchools Seminar. Join us for a magical journey through the art of making beautiful, professional quality ballet
Read what former seminar attendees have to say about their Tutu School experience in our TutuSchools Reviews.
Classes Offered Include:
Professional, Hands-on Instruction
Why come to TutuSchool for hands-on classes when there are videos and webinars out there?
Because when you come to a class, the time is 100% yours – no dogs to walk, families to feed, neighbors to drop by and interrupt your process. Our goal is that you leave us with costumes that are better than what you normally do at home. Our teachers will not let you skip steps, or avoid the tedious parts of the process, like proper pressing and cutting, and will teach you by not only showing you how they do it, but by helping you step-by-step. Our goal is not just to disseminate the information, but to help you with HOW to do things in the best way to create something beautiful and strong, and to answer all your questions as to WHY we do things the way we do in the order we do. We promise to make it worth your while to spend your time with us.
If what you are looking for is serious ballet costuming knowledge that will make you better at what you do, then you are in the right place.
Tutu.com’s Shop literally makes tutus every single day. We make more tutus than probably any shop out there, and by doing so we have come up with many new ways that enhance the time-honored traditions. We are constantly innovating because when you repeat a process thousands of times, you know it so well that you have the luxury of improving on the techniques. Although we do design, we consider ourselves to be technicians, engineering tutus and other ballet costumes to be strong and to last, in much the same way that an engineer realizes the designs of an architect.
Our Instructors are Working Professionals with:
Read our Faculty Bios.
Tutu.com and TutuSchools Instructors and Attendees Provide Costumes for:
Professional Dancers - Ballet Companies - IBC (International Ballet Competition) - Prix de Lausanne - YAGP (Youth America Grand Prix) - Netflix - HBO - Hulu - Touring Companies - Film